Becoming a triathlete (1-1-2)
In many cases, they were invited by their friends to join their triathlon group and thinking it fun, they started it just casually. "Wow! They look so happy! Why not join them? You'll be as happy as they are!" Let us call this kind of motive the ‘ horizontal motivation’ , which applies in most cases to female athletes. On the other hand, in the cases of male athletes, many of them were influenced by triathletes appearing in the media such as the TV or magazines. They find those star athletes just ‘cool’, and simply aspire to build up their body and improve their race records as their idols do. Suppose you watch the movie Rocky. You may feel like starting push-up or running up the stairs to build up your body (maybe it will last only for a few days, though!). We will call this kind of motive ‘the vertical motivation’ . These two motivations, horizontal and vertical, affect every aspect of their career as a triathlete. The horizontal...